McCombie Group grows, capitalizes, and transitions middle-market family businesses with $20 to $400 million of revenues. With an emphasis on preserving values and legacy, we provide a customized comprehensive solution and access to long-term family office capital. We add value and align our interests by investing our time, resources, and capital into our client-partners’ success.

ethics in investment banking merchant bank miami florida jaliz maldonado consulting

The WeWork Debacle: Ethics in Investment Banking

The Emperor Isn’t Wearing Clothes WeWork is Silicon Valley’s latest fallen angel.  The co-working start-up raised an enormous amount of cash from venture capital firms, with a final private valuation of $47 billion (roughly ten times the valuation of its profitable peer).  But, when the company took its first steps to go public in August…

Are you a micromanager?

Are You a Micromanager?

“Micromanagement is bringing in a team of smart, talented people and crushing their souls by telling them what font size to use” – Chieh Huang. In 2013, Chieh Huang founded Boxed, an online wholesale retailer.  Like many founders, he started the company in his garage. He packed boxes by hand with a few employees.  The…

How Much is Your Business Worth?

Whether you plan to sell your business, bring in new partners or seek growth capital, you need to know the value of your company.  That means taking a realistic perspective, rather than setting your expectations too high. When preparing a formal valuation, an accountant is likely to use one or more academic methods for determining…